
If you want to apply to be a part of the Skype and/or Discord group, please read the Rules and the FAQ then proceed to the APPLY tab to apply to be a member! Otherwise, feel free to look around! There's lots of stuff to check out!
Not a Homestuck? Click Here :D http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6
Rather watch than read? Click Here :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jMzJaztnFs
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Welcome to our website!
After 4 years of running this group, many of our members and staff are no longer reading Homestuck and have moved on. Some of us are still very good friends and some child groups are still running! But as such, we are no longer open for appications, but we will be keeping this site up in memory of times past.
If you were part of the group and want to contact me to get back in touch, please fill out a submission with your contact info! It goes directly to Huss's inbox.
If you've stumbled upon this and want to make your own small online community, please contact me for tips! A lot of things went right for this group to stay up for so long, although not everything went as planned. Please fill out an application with your contact info if you're interested!
As always, for whatever reason you've come, stay chill and enjoy all the artifacts left on this site. Thanks to all of you, I can no longer say I'm "5ever alone ;-;"