Announcements Board
(more like an announcements webpage but that sounds way too professional)
Current Events & Info:
Applications Closed
Hey all! Applications for the group are closed as of this year. The box is still there if you want to contact me! Remember to say who's contacting me and give some contact info so that I can get back to you!
Artifacts Tab
I'm considering adding an ARTIFACTS tab for old times sake. It would include the Ad campaign, some cut art and the test-phase new logo! If you're on here in 2019/2020 and think I should do it, contact me and tell me to get off my butt and do something :)
Past Events:
What Are Life 4th Anniversary
We turned four on March 21st!
What Are Life 3rd Anniversary
The third anniversary for the group is here! It's been a ride!
Website Overhaul
Recently (and not-so-recently) there have been quite a few problems with the site pointed out and found. The mobile layout has had many issues (such as unreadability, images covering text, things that should be there but aren't, things that shouldn't be there, but are, garbled text etc.). The regular site is also very unclear in some places and the way things are phrased makes them hard to understand. Not to mention nearly unreadable text, horrible backgrounds and the need for some art refreshment in the artist portfolios. As such, there will be nearly daily site updates for a while to improve the site and make it easier for new and old Homestucks alike to find a place to hang out and just be all chill and all. If you notice something that you want to be changed or something that you want added to the site, please contact one of the staff members!
1000 Days!
On December 15th 2017, What Are Life will have been a thing for 1000 days! We're celebrating by launching the TESTIMONIALS tab and by kicking off our annual Secret Santa gift exchange on the 15th! If you want to add a testimonial, just contact Hussie. They'll get you set up!
WAL Ad Testing
Using the ever popular Project Wonderful, we've launched a test ad campaign. We're gathering statistics to see if people would click our ads and what kinds of sites Homestucks end up on once the comic has ended. We're only doing small scale free advertising, otherwise we'd take the blatant advantage of advertising on MSPA. If anyone wants to make an ad for us to use or test, details are in the Logo Design Contest thingy below.
What Are Life 2nd Anniversary
The second anniversary for the Skype group is coming up soon on March 21st! We will be having Skype and Discord calls, Cards Against Humanity games, hardcore gaming, Readathons, Watchathons and just hanging out and being all chill and all as we always have! Thanks to everyone for making this year awesome :D
What Are Life Survey
Before the 2nd Anniversary, we'd love your feedback about the group, website and the events you want on the anniversary. It shouldn't take too long and It'll really help us out on deciding where to go from here group-wise. If you take a few minutes of your time and do this, you will have my gratitude. All answers collected from the survey are anonymous unless you choose to add your name in one of the text questions. Here is a link to the survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZNWCP7M
Discord Group!
We now have a fully-functioning Discord group! If you want to join it, contact any owner or moderator :D
What Are Life Logo Design Contest
Something we've been thinking about for awhile now, is getting a logo that we can use for the group! We feel the best way to do this is as a competition! Any member of the group can submit as many logo ideas as they want. At a point, (the time has not yet been decided) It will end and the logos will be judged. The staff will choose their favorites and then there will be a poll to decide the winner. I will make there be a prize if I have money.
How to submit a logo:
First you have to design it. It needs to be appropriate.
It will need to be in a few different sizes:
1. For general needs and uses, we need a larger, higher resolution version of the logo with a bare minimum size of 500x500px. If you want to also make a t-shirt design, the following link has good info on sizes needed.
2. Please make something you like. Size doesn't matter or anything. This one is just what you want in the size you want, no real restrictions, but still no pornography.
3. The other one is a "Thumbnail" 150/150px version. This is for using as an icon and for the profile pic of the group and such. It does not need to have the What Are Life name if it's not in the logo itself. If the logo is oblong, it can be resized, but for using icons, squares are the norm. (It doesn't have to be exactly 150/150px, it should be between 50x50 to 250x250 though)
4. There can be an "online advertisement" style in case we want to advertise for fun. It needs the What Are Life name as well as the statement "A Homestuck Skype Group" somewhere in it unless you have a better statement :D. Also, add words to make people want to click it. This one is optional. The ad styles Project Wonderful (The service we have an account for) accepts that make sense for us are: Half Banner (234x60), Banner (468x60), Rectangle (300x250, Leaderboard (726x90) and Skyscraper (160x600). He most common are Banner, Skyscraper and Rectangle from what I've found.
Keep in mind what it'd be used for as you make the versions. Make it look like something you'd want on a T Shirt for that version and keep it clean and simple for the small version. Be creative! The only true requirements are the sizes and what needs to be there. You can pencil and scan and then make resizes if you want. You can make more versions if you desire or even just make only 1 and 3. Have fun with it!
Submit your logo designs in a folder (preferably zipped) to Hussie. If your art is chosen for the logo or is very close, we may ask for your permission to use it where we want, when we want. I can't quite give you the legal terms for this jazz yet because I am too lazy to look it up.
It sounds complicated, but it's not that hard in reality. If you have additional questions, ask Hussie for now.
There are very rough example logos below to show the sizes mentioned above. They will be in this order: Big, Skyscraper Ad, Rectangle Ad, Small. You do not need to to the same thing as is done in these logos, they are just for reference.
WAL Secret Santa Gift Exchange!
It's baaaaaack... Shit, let's be Santa! As a way to get into the holiday spirit, members can secretly give a 1$ or homemade digital gift such as art, music, board/card games, cheap steam games, poetry etc.! To join in the fun, members can sign up right below this message. The deadline for joining Secret Santa is December 20th 2016. On the 21st, members who have joined will receive a Skype (or Discord) message with the name and email of the person you must give your gift to. Someone else will have your name and email. By December 24th, you need to send your person an email with your digital gift inside. All involved in the exchange will be invited to a Skype group where members can try and guess who their secret Santa was!
WAL Secret Santa Gift Exchange!
This year, we're having our first annual WAL Secret Santa! As a way to get into the holiday spirit, members can secretly give 1$ or homemade digital gifts such as art, music, board/card games, cheap steam games, poetry etc.! To join in the fun, members can sign up literally right below this message. The deadline for joining Secret Santa is December 22nd 2016. On the 22nd, members who have joined will receive a Skype message with the name and email of the person you must give your gift to. Someone else will have your name and email. By December 24th, you need to send your person an email with your digital gift inside. All involved in the exchange will be invited to a Skype group where members can try and guess who was their secret Santa!
We're findable on Google! (and other search engines)
After almost a full year, our site is finally able to be found on search engines! Before, you needed the link to the site to access it, but it is now possible to find the site in google search. The keywords are What, Are, Life, Homestuck, Skype, Group, Chat and a couple variations depending on the page. The best combination for finding the site that I've found is "What Are Life Homestuck Skype Group". You'll know which one is ours (probably). Our site doesn't get tons of views, so you MAY have to go to the second page of google to find it, but it usually shows up on the first.
A full year of awesome
Happy first birthday What Are Life! The group has now been around for a full year! It was founded on March 20th, 2015 in some timezones and the 21st of March, 2015 in others. The anniversary celebration will be held all day on the 21st where we'll have calls, play some games and be all chill and all :DD Thanks to all members of the group past and present for making this possible and this year incredible :D
Site Features:
If you have something you really want to tell a bunch of strangers online about What Are Life, now there's a place for it! If you want to have a testimonial on the site, contact Hussie.
Site Membership!
Using dark arts and estranged add-ons, WAL group members can now also become site members! Site membership is easy. Step one: Go to the bottom of any page on the site. Step two: Click on the Log In/Sign Up button. Step three: Create an account. Step four: Wait for Hussie to authenticate your account. Step five: Have an account. Now, I know you're wondering. What does this allow me to do? The answer is simple. It gives +1 street cred and you can use the Group Chat tab! All you ever wanted :D
Group Chat Tab!
Can't get onto Skype/Discord but still want to stay in contact? No problem! With the Group Chat tab located in the drop down menu of the Other tab, you can send messages to all your WAL pals that have a WAL account! If you would like to use a custom name other than your email, click the "logout" button in the comment box, not the bottom of the page. A name slot should show up soon after. You can also change names and emails using this option. It appears to only log you out of the comment boxes rather than the site.
Strife Specibus!
A fun thing that you can now do with your"profile" in the member tab is add a strife specibus! It does not have to be the same as the character you chose! Choose something that you would want to use or think is cool, or even what the character you chose does use! This is optional, but can help to liven up your member tab thing :D
Art Tab!
It's a thing! If you haven't given in art yet or if you want to give more art, contact Hussie on Skype.
Announcements Tab!
There is thought of changing the announcements tab to an external site for better organization purposes among other questionable reasons. Some ideas that have come up is an online bulletin board and a forum, letting other moderators post as well. Let Huss know what you think! (To be fair, it's mostly just Hussie being salty because they update the site and don't like using the current method. ) EDIT: Hussie has revamped the announcements tab to be more organized and easier to edit (In theory).
Custom Site Domain!
We don't have a custom site domain because it's expensive, but it has changed from its original name! If you haven't yet, make sure to change your bookmarks to the new address!
Update Log:
October 10th 2019:
-Added a box to the home page that describes the current state of the site.
-Removed the IDEAS tab as it is no longer relevant (also it was never announced so I don't know if anyone even knew about it?)
-Fixed a couple issues with text alignment in the ART tab.
-I might add an ARTIFACTS tab within a year or so with some memorable images and artifacts from WAL that aren't in the ART tab.
-A basic WAL logo did happen! I will probably put it in the ARTIFACTS tab if I ever get around to doing it.
-2020 will be the 5th WAL anniversary. I will probably try to set up a "class reunion sort of thing for it :)
-Made Kanaya's ART tab visible again, as they have rejoined the group.
March 22nd and June 15th 2018:
-Made some tweaks to the home page.
-I made some changes that I changed and didn't publish in March so I counted both dates don't worry about it.
-Ayy WAL is 3 years old now :DD
-Added a login button to the top right.
-Added the IDEAS tab so that people can figure out what heck is going on.
-A basic What Are Life logo is in the works, but if you have a logo design just send it please for now.
-Added profile pages for members so they can feel cooler about having a site account
January 3rd 2018:
-Changed music featured on Hal's Art tab.
December 30th 2017:
-Added some questions and fixed some typos in the FAQ tab.
-Added a link to the FAQ in the Rules tab.
-Made several links throughout the site for easier navigation.
-Fixed a typo in the application form.
-Tried to make some phrasing more clear throughout the site.
-Changed the Site Membership description on the footer.
December 29th 2017:
-Removed Santa hat from Home tab.
-Removed WAL Secret Santa Sign-up from the Announcements tab.
-Only four tabs can be now found in web search results: Home, About, Announcements and Art.
-Edited Mobile layout for Header and Footer.
-Edited Mobile layout for the Home, Rules, Apply, Members, Art, How To Art, Other, Announcements and Staff tabs.
-Edited Mobile layout for Hal, Hussie, Jade, Jake, Kankri, Nepeta and Vriska's Art tabs.
-Edited Desktop layout for the Members and Art tabs.
-Edited background image in Rules tab.
-Edited font on the How To Art tab.
-Made some minor tweaks to Apply tab.
-Made some minor tweaks to Staff tab.
-Made some minor tweaks to Announcements tab.
December 18th 2017:
-Added a Tumblr link to Kankri's Art tab.
December 16th 2017:
-Edited the font for the Members tab.
-Edited the layout in the Apply tab.
-Updated and edited the layout of the FAQ tab.
-Updated the pictures on Kankri's Art tab.
-Updated the pictures and Tumblr link on Hussie's Art tab.
-Made some minor tweaks to the Staff tab.
-Made some minor tweaks to the Staff Only tab.
December 12th 2017:
-Edited the mobile layout for the Announcements tab.
-Replaced the Sp00ky pumpkin with a Santa hat.
-Added the WAL Secret Santa sign up sheet in the Announcements tab and Staff Only tab.
-Added the Testimonials tab under the Other tab (access is restricted to site members until it officially opens with real testimonials)
-Edited the fonts on a few things around the site.
-Made some minor tweaks to the Announcements tab.
-Made some minor tweaks to the home page.
October 9th 2017:
-Edited mobile layout a lot.
-Added a Sp00ky pumpkin to the home page.
-Made some minor tweaks to the Members tab.
-Changed a few permissions in the Discord group so that the "only-post-memes" tab isn't locked.
July 27th 2017:
-Cleaned up the Members tab a lot.
-Changed the SoundCloud song in Hussie's art tab.
-Added a few cardcast decks to the Other tab
-The first WAL Pokemon Showdown tournament (hosted by Horuss) has come to an end! The winners are:
1. Hal
2. Vriska
3. Horuss
Thank you to all participants and spectators!
-Changed the backgrounds of the Announcements, Apply, FAQ and Other tab.
-Hal no longer has a Minecraft realm, so it no longer says he does in the Other tab.
-Changed a text font to bold on the Apply tab.
June 6th 2017:
-Added a GoFundMe campaign to Jake's art tab
-Made some tweaks so minor, I don't even remember what they were
March 24th 2017:
-Changed background for Rules tab
-Added a handy chat button to the apply tab
March 20th 2017:
-Added Let's Read Homestuck link on Home tab
-Made certain text more readable on Home tab
-What Are Life deck updated
-Survey Summary added to Staff Only tab
-More 2nd anniversary info added to its announcement
-Minor Announcements tab changes
March 12th 2017:
-Major FAQ tab changes
-Minor Member tab changes
-Minor Staff tab changes
-Minor Art tab changes
-Minor Rules tab changes
-What Are Life and Homestuck CAH decks updated
-More details added to 2nd anniversary announcement
-Added five Pesterchum smilies somewhere on the site. If you find them and send proof of smiley to Hussie, you will be rewarded.
Don't tell your friends, or they may get reward instead of you. If you have questions, ask Hussie. Duplicates of the hidden smileys can be found on the bottom of the page. Good luck.
March 2nd 2017:
-Added some announcements
-Added link to survey on the site
-Minor staff only changes
-Minor cleanliness enhancements
January 14th 2017:
This is the first logged site update, but I will cover a few previous updates from 2016 after the newest additions.
-Revamped and reorganized the Announcements tab to be less cluttered and easier to edit.
-Added update logs, important features will still have their own, more detailed announcements in the Site Features section.
-Added dates to recent announcements for the sake of order.
-Added more info on the Discord chat
-A new What Are Life email address is being added to some attributes of the site
-Other minor tweaks
(Added from the last 2016 update)
-Site membership
-Group Chat tab
-Social buttons and visitor counter on the home page
-Rule 7 is now split into two rules
-Edits to the About tab text
-FAQ updated with more info
-Application now includes less Minecraft questions and more Discord questions
-Some Staff tab changes
-Many Staff Only tab changes