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Other stoof
Our Minecraft Server! Sort of...
Okay, so the group wanted a Minecraft server to play on! Since at the moment, we can't exactly buy a server and our original server choice ended up having some issues, we decided to use "" as our "official" server. We have no ownership or anthing of the server, we're just using it as a server to play on :D
Our Cards Against Humanity Decks!
The Homestuck Deck
After the Cards Against Homestuck deck was taken off Pretend You're Xyzzy, we decided to make a Homestuck deck to use just for us! The name is "Homestucks Against Humanity". If you want to use the deck, type /addcardcast UPZH6 into the chat of any Pretend You're Xyzzy game!
The Salad Deck
Have you ever felt the need to have a cards against humanity deck with a fresher, more plant-like theme? Neither have we! We made this deck though and it's about salad and vegetables so if you want to use it, type /addcardcast F8A34 into the chat of any Pretend You're Xyzzy game!
The What Are Life Deck
What Are Life? After 1 year of being a thing, we present, the What Are Life deck! Filled with inside memes, group member names and usernames and several other quirks (Including rasin bran and bleach)! If you want to confuse your friends or play with the group, type /addcardcast V7A54 into the chat of any Pretend You're Xyzzy game!
The Homestuck Names Deck
Have you ever wanted a deck with only Homestuck character names so you for sure have everyone? So have we! There are over 160 Homestuck character names for you to enjoy in this exhaustive deck. If you want to play with all the names, type /addcardcast AN35A into the chat of any Pretend You're Xyzzy game!
The Fire Emblem Deck
Fire Emblem memes are important, so this short, but sweet deck tries to have a few cards from each game (and smash) to keep all Fire Emblem fans happy :) It also has a few references to the Path of Radiance fandub, so if you don't understand a card, that may be why. It's called "Fira Embel: Weknin" and it's way cooler than Sigurd. To fire your emblem, type in /addcardcast CFYKQ into the chat of any Pretend You're Xyzzy game!
Ranks Explained
You may have noticed that on the MEMBERS and STAFF pages, there are ranks that are indicative of status. Only like 2 of them are explained on the site or anywhere so I figured it might be nice to have a guide :D
Owner: Someone who owns the group. They (should) have control on who enters the group and they are the only position that can kick or ban members. Only the owners can edit the site. Owners also try to keep order and peace within the group and make sure that as little injustice is caused as possible. Owners are also the only position that can read member applications and appoint moderators. If the owners are gone, it is up to them to decide which moderators get control of the group during their absence.
Moderator: A position of power within the group. They can go into the staff only page, they are meant to keep peace and order in the group and they are part of the admin chat where big decisions in the group are made. They are chosen by the owners.
Staff: A moderator, owner, temporary owner and sometimes a veteran. They all can go to the staff only page and all are part of the admin chat. Even though they're staff, none of them make money from the group. Such is life ;-;
Veteran: A staff member who has left the group or has been too inactive to effectively do their previous staff role. They have special status because they can still get into the staff only page and in some cases are still/are back in in the admin chat. If they're in the staff page, they also can have moderator responsibility.
Member: Someone who is in the group. Like all positions, they have to follow the rules. Members will sometimes have the opertunity to vote on certain group functions. Without members, this wouldn't be a group, so they're the largest fraction of the group.
That's it I think... This might change should there be a need to add more ranks.
I couldn't think of anything else to put here so have a Sburb thingy :D

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