Rules, Guldelines and other important things :D
1.Everyone gets one canon Homestuck character's name to identify as... For FREE :D
2.The age range for the chat is 14+
3.PG14 chat PG13 pics.
4.Zero pornography. Don't be a Caliborn.
5.Breaking the rules three times will get you kicked. Breaking rule 13 may result in a PERMANENT BAN
6.Don't be a dick. Don't in the chat, Don't privately, Just don't.
7.Don't cause excessive drama.
8.Respect your elders (Moderators/Admins etc.)... Actually, respect everyone.
9.Joining underage=ban for every year underage you are. (even if you turn 14 before that)
10.Send pictures in private chat unless it's important or cleared with the mods so that people with less memory don't get spammed with pictures.
11.If you are inactive for a long period of time or you never talk in the group, you may be kicked without your knowledge, though usually you will be notified.
12.Don't excessively use caps, bold, etc. It annoys some people. Feel free to use them though :D
13.No spam.
14.Please don't always use your typing quirks if you're identifying as a troll character. It's to identify as, not to RP as. Not saying you can't ever, it's just a little hard to read and to feel like you're chatting with you instead of the troll you identify as.
15.Don't spam calls. Ask if anyone will join your call before calling. BTW, people can't join your call if they're not in your contact list and you can't join other members calls if you're not in the host's contact list.
16.Don't invite your non-Homestuck friends to the chat and make sure your Homestuck friends fill out the form and contact Hussie or Hal on Skype before me or Hal invites them to the group.
17.If something is getting out of hand in the chat, contact a moderator, don't try to fix it or you may make it worse.
19.Please read past Act 5 Act 2 in Homestuck before applying.
20.Do not ask to be a moderator or any other staff rank.
21.Don't take pictures of people without their consent.
22.Keep actual romance to private chats.
The "rules" may be changed if needed, I question the integrity of these rules just as much as you do, we only have them to make the chat a better environment :D
If you have any questions, check the FAQ tab to see if it's answered there!